A good friend of mine, Mr. M told me the other day that his wife of 16 years is having an affair with another guy for the past 6 months. I was really shocked. He never showed any sign of troubles in his marriage. But this is nothing compare to the story I am about to tell you...
Mr. M told me that because he has the best interest in protecting his children from any harm which includes Divorce he agreed that she can keep seeing this guy she's sleeping with. WTF??? Yes, I said it "WTF!?" But he was calm and reasonable and said he's not being desperate. He said he still loves her and he knows she loves him. But sometimes, two people fall in love and fall out of love, but they want to keep the children as family, so they talked countless hours and days and they chose to have an open marriage.
He is not happy talking about it and they are not swingers, but he told me he's come to grips with it and made the commitment to be with her for rest of his life, so he'll go through with it...

Now, the question comes to my mind was whether he would seek a friend like his wife has... The answer is he doesn't know yet. He told me that he would eventually wanting to make himself happy, but not right now. I asked him why he didn't give her the divorce when she came up and told him maybe the marriage is not right for her anymore. He said because he believed they still have chance to make it work. That's how much he loves her. They're no longer in love with each other, but they love each other still and he strongly believes children should be raised by both parents. He said he comes from a divorced parents and he hated all those days and years he was forced to going back and forth between his father and mother spending different holidays. He doesn't want his children to go through what he went through...
With that said, let me say this: I'm so confused. I'm really, really confused.. Is this really possible? I thought it's only possible in the movies or some crazy swinger's world, but he's not like that. He's a genuine human-being. I feel bad about it. But also I'm amazed the weight of one man's dedication to his children. He's unbelievable!
Wow... I'll just say wow..
yep, "Wow" does the trick.....
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