I usually don't talk about politics or religion on my blog because we all have the right to support and believe whatever we wish - that's called "FREEDOM" this country strongly stands for.
I've been wanting to write about a post, but didn't know when was the right time. But today, this post is going to be a bit serious and very sad.
On December 30th last year (as in last week), 7 CIA officers (8th victim was a Jordanian army captain who was Jordanian intelligence working closely with CIA) were killed in Eastern Afghanistan by a suicide bomber insde Forward Operating Base Chapman. The suicide bomber was later confirmed that the double agent for both CIA and Jordinian working for Taliban. Sounds like it's something you see it in the movies, but this is a real deal. The remains of seven CIA officers were flown to Dover Air Force base in Delaware yesterday (Jan 4th.) We'll never find out who those people are because of the nature of their job: working for CIA, but the reports say that one of the victims was a CIA chief based in Khost (the region where CIA operating base was located) and she was the mother of three: A mother...
And I can't find the words to express my sorrow for those who died. I can write about Fuji Apple or Disney movies or my family's on my blog because I am safe today. And I am safe today because of all the men and women who risk their lives trying to catch the bad guys... Whether you like to hear it or not, it is the truth. All those people are doing what they are doing because they want to protect us thousands of miles away . And they die from it. It happens every day. And I can't help, but to be grateful for their sacrifice and pray for their safe return.
I copied and pasted the statement released by CIA and CIA Director Leon E. Panetta.
*Statement on CIA Casualties in Afghanistan
CIA Director Leon E. Panetta informed the Agency workforce today that seven of their colleagues were killed and six others were injured on Wednesday at a Forward Operating Base in Khost Province, Afghanistan. The casualties were the result of a terrorist attack.
“Those who fell yesterday were far from home and close to the enemy, doing the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism,” Director Panetta said in a message to employees. “We owe them our deepest gratitude, and we pledge to them and their families that we will never cease fighting for the cause to which they dedicated their lives—a safer America.”
“Families have been our Agency’s first priority,” Director Panetta added. “Before sharing this information with anyone else, we wanted to be in contact with each of them. This is the most difficult news to bear under any circumstances, but that it comes during the holidays makes it even harder. In coming days and weeks, we will comfort them and honor their loved ones as a family. They are in our thoughts and prayers—now and always.”
Due to the sensitivity of their mission and other ongoing operations, neither the names of those killed nor the details of their work are being released at this time.
“Yesterday’s tragedy reminds us that the men and women of the CIA put their lives at risk every day to protect this nation,” Director Panetta said. “Throughout our history, the reality is that those who make a real difference often face real danger.”
Director Panetta credited US military doctors and nurses with saving the lives of those wounded in the attack. In honor and memory of the dead, he requested that the flags at CIA Headquarters be flown at half-staff.*
My sincere gratitude to those who fight the war on terrorism and deepset sympathy for those who lost their lives for our country....
I've been wanting to write about a post, but didn't know when was the right time. But today, this post is going to be a bit serious and very sad.
On December 30th last year (as in last week), 7 CIA officers (8th victim was a Jordanian army captain who was Jordanian intelligence working closely with CIA) were killed in Eastern Afghanistan by a suicide bomber insde Forward Operating Base Chapman. The suicide bomber was later confirmed that the double agent for both CIA and Jordinian working for Taliban. Sounds like it's something you see it in the movies, but this is a real deal. The remains of seven CIA officers were flown to Dover Air Force base in Delaware yesterday (Jan 4th.) We'll never find out who those people are because of the nature of their job: working for CIA, but the reports say that one of the victims was a CIA chief based in Khost (the region where CIA operating base was located) and she was the mother of three: A mother...
And I can't find the words to express my sorrow for those who died. I can write about Fuji Apple or Disney movies or my family's on my blog because I am safe today. And I am safe today because of all the men and women who risk their lives trying to catch the bad guys... Whether you like to hear it or not, it is the truth. All those people are doing what they are doing because they want to protect us thousands of miles away . And they die from it. It happens every day. And I can't help, but to be grateful for their sacrifice and pray for their safe return.
I copied and pasted the statement released by CIA and CIA Director Leon E. Panetta.
*Statement on CIA Casualties in Afghanistan
CIA Director Leon E. Panetta informed the Agency workforce today that seven of their colleagues were killed and six others were injured on Wednesday at a Forward Operating Base in Khost Province, Afghanistan. The casualties were the result of a terrorist attack.
“Those who fell yesterday were far from home and close to the enemy, doing the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism,” Director Panetta said in a message to employees. “We owe them our deepest gratitude, and we pledge to them and their families that we will never cease fighting for the cause to which they dedicated their lives—a safer America.”
“Families have been our Agency’s first priority,” Director Panetta added. “Before sharing this information with anyone else, we wanted to be in contact with each of them. This is the most difficult news to bear under any circumstances, but that it comes during the holidays makes it even harder. In coming days and weeks, we will comfort them and honor their loved ones as a family. They are in our thoughts and prayers—now and always.”
Due to the sensitivity of their mission and other ongoing operations, neither the names of those killed nor the details of their work are being released at this time.
“Yesterday’s tragedy reminds us that the men and women of the CIA put their lives at risk every day to protect this nation,” Director Panetta said. “Throughout our history, the reality is that those who make a real difference often face real danger.”
Director Panetta credited US military doctors and nurses with saving the lives of those wounded in the attack. In honor and memory of the dead, he requested that the flags at CIA Headquarters be flown at half-staff.*
My sincere gratitude to those who fight the war on terrorism and deepset sympathy for those who lost their lives for our country....
popped in from SITS
too many emotions and nothing to add - I think this is why the moment of silence was invented.
thank you for caring.
This all just saddens me. Our world is so full of hate, and yet it was created by God so full of love. What a horrible irony.
breaks my heart.
What a wonderful post. Two young men who I DEARLY love are serving in the military right now, my nephew and my cousin. I worry about them so much.
Rain Splats: Indeed. It truly makes me speechless.
Dionne: You said it right. People fight under the name of God when God only wants peace. It's really sad.
eri: Totally :(
DysFUNctional Mom: I pray for your nephew and cousin's safe return. Please tell them "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart...
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