Our daughters are the same way - they have adjusted their lives without their daddy: Thank god for their grandpa (they have three of them, but one lives very close) and their uncle who live in FL - they have played huge roles as a father figure to them. But sometimes, my oldest JuJu gets really sad that her daddy is not here. She sometimes cries that she misses him.
One night, JT called us and asked the girls if they could see the moon - we ran outside and saw a big full moon. He told the girls he's looking at the same moon - it was like a magic. They had this big "WOW" on their faces and instantly they felt this closeness to their daddy like he's right there with them. So, now, they look at the moon or the brightest star when he calls - I always hear them say, "I see you Daddy.." They miss him less, I think...
But we got Thunderstorms in the afternoon and it's been a bit cloudy tonight, so they didn't get to see the moon. JuJu was a bit sad and said, "Mommy, no moon tonight...." - So I decided to show their baby pictures with daddy. And oh my, they were little! JuJu and Soapy were all gigglie - they couldn't believe their eyes. Yep, they are still small, but they were really tiny then!
Here are some of my favorite picutures of my family. JT had no idea I was taking the pictures - He was watching TV and I didn't use flush light :) Soapy was only one month old - JuJu was 2. Oh they grow so fast..
So my darlings, did you have a nice weekend????
Oh, so bittersweet. What a wonderful idea that he had about the moon, and that you had with the pictures!
I had a great weekend, hope you did too!
What a romantic idea to "share" the moon! I hope their daddy come home soon. And my thought goes to you. I know how you feel when he is away from home for long. Take care of yourself and don't work too hard.
Aww, that's sweet. I hope daddy comes home soon.
That is such a sweet story. Brought tears to my eyes! You have a beautiful family!
Oh! Those are sweet pictures. Hope you get another cloudless moon spotting night soon!
what a sweet story...hope he comes home soon!
Oh, how absolutely precious! I know exactly how you feel! My husband has been either out of the country or out of the state since November. At least when he's out of state, we've got weekends. 3.3 weeks he'll have been gone - and when you have a teenager in the mix, that is a lllllooooonnnnngggg time!
I can so empathize! movies, television, - nothing is as funny or joyful or calm as when he's here. Sigh! I hope your week is full of calmness, peace, joy and energy!
I love the idea of looking at the moon together!
what a wonderful idea! I am following you from SITS and so glad i found your blog. it is so cute! I am your newest follower. Come and visit me if you can- I am doing a great giveaway this week! XOXO http://kitchenbelleicious.blogspot.com
that's so sweet!
you guys should get skype. i've never used it, but my friend keeps in touch w/her little sister who just went off to college thru skype.
It must be so hard with your husband being away for so long, but I love the way you've used the moon to forge a connection!
Your husband may be away but your family is still beautiful. Excellent pictures :-)
You're doing an amazing job.
as in you haven't seen him in those two whole months??!!! oh my gosh you are a brave strong woman!
but that is so cute about the moon. I think about that a lot when i miss my family. we can see the same moon! i forget what movie that's in.
First, LOVE the new header and the pictures of the girls and JT. I love that the kids and JT can look at the same moon to help them while he's gone. So sweet.
found you on SITS -- what a sweet little family ;)
Lovely idea on the moon gazing Maki!
My brother in law had to work overseas as well...but their relationship is as strong~ I'm sure so is yours!
Awwww... your girls are strong, just like you. Sooo lovely that the moon you all share could bring you closer.
These photos are so sweet! It must be hard having him away, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. You little girls are so lucky to have two such loving parents! XO Katie
Girlies: Thanks so much for all of your kind words - they mean so much to me!! I feel like I'm not alone because you're here for me! xoxoxo
Nicole: Yeees, as in I haven't see him in those two months!!! LOL
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